“As soon as the Rhino starts to move forward, Momentum is generated. The faster it moves, the more momentum is created. So to get the momentum, you need to MOVE.” – John Holowaty.
There is a fine line between having a dream and chasing a dream. In “having a dream,” you only think of it, while “chasing a dream” means putting action into thoughts. Business Mentor John Holowaty is on a mission to put dreams to action through the ‘Dream Chasers’ program.
Like everyone else, John was once a dreamer. He dreamt of building a successful marketing business. This dream might look impossible for a personal trainer, but in 2009 John achieved it by breaking all walls of limitations that came his way.
The biggest challenge for John in network marketing was building the customer base. Since this industry is highly relationship-based, he considered every option to overcome this hurdle, which soon led him to social media and branding. John struggled to establish long-term relationships with distributors for three years as an entrepreneur.
As he met new people, he shared his valuable insights with customers to help them climb the competitive market. John furthered his reach by establishing his brand image on social media platforms. Succeeding in networking marketing wasn’t easy; it came with many failures, losses, and lots of assistance, for which he is ever grateful. John turned those setbacks into lessons for personal development and business improvement. His book, Instafamous, elaborates how social media helped build and grow his business on a large scale.
With the success of his business, John put on the mentorship robe to lead others in the industry. He introduced the ‘Dream Chasers.’ He invites members to join the inclusive space and gain insights through course modules and activities like Facebook Lives and weekly mastermind calls. John takes the role of program mentor to bring more people into the network marketing business. He has enough wisdom to educate young people about success, simplicity, growth, and dedication.
The program is designed for dreamers, only those who have the potential to put words into movement. It is also a community where dreams come alive. Members meet people, interact with experts, and have in-depth conversations to regain their strength and define their career paths. According to existing members, ‘Dream Chasers’ motivated them to re-energize and face the world confidently. Some met potential partners for mutual collaboration, while some found good team members to grow their businesses.
As a mentor, John takes it upon himself to promote this program internationally to increase diversity in terms of professions and people. He believes this program will be the root of action for individuals to chase their dreams and bring innovation & transformation to the business industry.
So, are you ready to chase your dreams with Dream Chasers? Join through the official website today! And grab a copy of his book Between Fear and Fortune on the truth about network marketing and living life on your own terms.