Susana Giménez reappears on television after overcoming COVID-19: “I was afraid of dying”

The exvedette Susana Gimenez reappeared on television to give his testimony after being hospitalized in Uruguay for failing to COVID-19 . In communication with Telefé and thanks to augmented reality technology, the illusion was given that the TV host was present on set.
“I didn’t feel like dying at the time. In addition, I was terrified that he could intubate me, I asked if they had to let me go because I was not going to put up with it. It was what happened to my makeup artist and he couldn’t stand it. You are terrified because you are alone in a room. I cried for everything, “he commented.
Likewise, Susana Giménez recalled that her granddaughter called her while she was in intensive care and began to cry since she felt very bad and wondered why she contracted COVID-19.
“I could not do anything, or pray and that I pray every night before sleeping, but there I did not pray, and it is not that I was angry with God, but I wondered why,” he said.
The lessons Susana Giménez learned
After recovering from COVID-19, Susana Giménez was grateful to the doctors who treated her and sent a message to the population not to let their guard down. On the other hand, he revealed that he learned a lesson in all this time.
“I learned that there are many more important things, that health is the first thing in the world, feeling eager, strong,” he said. Already when they released her, she felt more recovered:
“It was incredible when they released me. I am a very healthy woman, although I had my things: I broke my hip in a gym class, I had stones, the appendix … but they are nonsense. After discharge I did not leave the house anymore ”, he said.